
Saturday, September 24, 2016

If Planned Parenthood Thinks Black Lives Matter, It Should Stop Killing Them

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

In the past few months, the abortion chain Planned Parenthood has been eager to align itself with the Black Lives Matter movement, which came about in response to shooting deaths of black men by police. 

However, the abortion chain is responsible for killing more black lives through abortion than guns and dozens of other causes combined. And more black Americans and pro-lifers are calling out Planned Parenthood for its ironic statements about violence against human lives.

Racial tensions are running high in America after riots and violence erupted when a black man was shot and killed by a black police officer in Charlotte, North Carolina earlier this week.

On Wednesday, Planned Parenthood responded on Twitter to initial reports about the Charlotte man, Keith Scott’s death.
Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, who makes $590,928 a year, tweeted about the incident on Tuesday:
There are no words adequate to express the outrage and grief - stop killing Black people.  
On Thursday afternoon, after riots broke out in North Carolina, Planned Parenthood also tweeted this:
Everyone must own the responsibility we have as a nation to stand against the violence done to Black people in America. -@CecileRichards
Writing for The Federalist, D.C. McAllister responded by challenging Planned Parenthood to stop killing unborn babies if it truly believes that black lives matter.

She wrote:

Planned Parenthood is one of the greatest perpetrators of violence against African Americans in this country. It’s founded on racism, perpetuates racism, and kills more than 850 African Americans every day.

Black people make up about 13 percent of the population, yet comprise 37 percent of all abortions. Black women are 4.8 times more likely to have an abortion than white women are. Approximately 78 percent of Planned Parenthood’s clinics are in minority communities, and black babies are three times more likely to be killed from an abortion than white babies.

… Clearly, if anyone should “stop killing black people” it’s Planned Parenthood. The real violence against minorities in America isn’t on the streets of Charlotte or any other city, it’s in the clinics of Planned Parenthood.
Black pastors and pro-life leaders have been calling out Planned Parenthood’s hypocrisy, too.

The Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress Jr., an African American pastor and founder of, recently appealed to the black community on the issue.

Read Rev. Clenard Childress' remarks

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