
Friday, September 23, 2016

Philly Walk for Life

This is the first blog entry from Mickey Kelly, a representative of the Pro-Life Generation. Thankfully his youthfulness brings tenacity that is needed for the Philly pro-lifers.

While many pro-lifers in Philadelphia missed out on the March for Life last January because of the blizzard, they have a chance to make up for it with the weather becoming just right.

After a two year hiatus, the Philly Walk for Life makes its return on Sunday September 25th.

Come walk for those who cannot speak for themselves. Give voice to the voiceless and most importantly walk humbly with Jesus for the gift of life.

This year's speakers include Marie Joseph (Legacy of Life), Steven Mikochic (professor of Ave Maria Law), Lauren Kretzer, Mark Houck (King's Men), Astrid Guittierez Bennet (Hispanics for Life) and Bishop Janice Hollis.

The event begins at 3:30PM at Thomas Paine Plaza, across the street from the north side of City Hall. Following the gathering will be a procession to the Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul Cathedral for 6:30PM mass with Archbishop Charles Chaput.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Mickey! We look forward to reading your posts.
