
Friday, September 23, 2016

Mike Pence: “There is No More Important Cause for My Wife and Me Than the Cause of Life”

By Michiah Bilger
Life News

Donald Trump’s vice presidential pick Mike Pence is pro-life both in word and action.

The Republican governor from Indiana has made a number of encouraging pro-life statements on the campaign trail, and his long, extensive pro-life record both as governor and a U.S. Congressman is strong evidence of his sincerity.

This week, Pence told an Arizona crowd that the “cause of life” is the most important issue of all to his family. He made the statement during an event Thursday at Living Word Bible Church in Mesa, near Phoenix, Arizona, according AZ Central.

Here’s more from the report:

During a question-and-answer session with Tom Anderson, Living Word Bible Church’s founder, Pence highlighted the Republican ticket’s anti-abortion bona fides.

“I speak on behalf of my wife and I, I would tell you there is no more important cause to the Pences than the cause of life,” Pence said.
Likewise, Trump “has made a clear commitment to the sanctity of human life,” Pence added, saying it is important to elect Trump so he can nominate U.S. Supreme Court justices.
Pence is a pro-life champion who has signed multiple pieces of pro-life legislation into law and led the fight in Congress to de-fund Planned Parenthood. His selection as vice president has mollified some pro-lifers’ concerns about Trump, who has campaigned as a pro-life candidate but who has made some misstatements about abortion and Planned Parenthood.
Earlier this year, Pence faced some vicious attacks when he signed a law to protect unborn babies with disabilities like Down syndrome from being aborted in Indiana. One of the most crude attacks was “Periods for Pence,” where abortion activists harassed the governor’s office by sending detailed messages about their menstrual cycles. Pence did not back down and signed the law. Under his leadership, Indiana currently is fighting a lawsuit from Planned Parenthood to overturn the pro-life law.

The abortion giant is attacking Pence at the national level, too. Immediately after Trump chose him as his vice presidential running mate, Planned Parenthood sent a letter to its supporters that stated, “Donald Trump’s VP couldn’t be worse.” They also tweeted messages referring back to the crude Indiana campaign.

In 2011, Pence gave a passionate speech during the March for Life in Washington, D.C. and called Roe v. Wade the “worst Supreme Court decision since Dred Scott.”

In July, Pence said Trump will nominate U.S. Supreme Court judges who would overturnRoe.

“If we appoint strict constructionists to the Supreme Court as Donald Trump intends to do, I believe we will see Roe v. Wade consigned to the ash heap of history where it belongs,” Pence said during a campaign stop in Michigan.

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