
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Sued for a Botched, Clinton-Supported Late-Term Abortion

Donald J. Trump opposes abortions like the one that 
ripped this woman's womb from stem to stern

By Cheryl Sullenger
Operation Rescue

Germantown, MD -- Topic of late-term abortions is in the headlines due to rabid support from Democrat Hillary Clinton, who denies babies are "ripped from the womb" during late-term abortions, as her opponent, Donald Trump, has said. Now, Operation Rescue has obtained court documents that confirm once again that the most-used form of late-term abortion does in fact dismember a baby, and can cause devastating harm to women as well.

Wendy Devine, 34, is alleging in a negligence/malpractice suit filed on September 27, 2016, in Montgomery County, Maryland, that LeRoy Carhart so severely botched her late-term abortion earlier this year that she nearly died. She endured such extreme injuries that she continues to suffer permanent disability and will likely never bear another child.

Carhart is perhaps the best known abortionist in the country that will openly conduct abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy, and does so at Germantown Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, Maryland.

Devine reported to the Germantown Reproductive Health Services on January 18, 2016, trusting that Carhart and his clinic staff were the experts in the field of abortion they said they were, and competent to conduct her late-term abortion.

That misplaced trust nearly proved fatal.

"So when Hillary Clinton voices support for late-term abortions, remember what happened to Wendy Devine and her dismembered baby. Remember what happened to dead Carhart abortion patients Jennifer Morbelli and Christin Gilbert, and the thousands upon thousands of other women who have suffered from risky late-term abortion procedures, and ask yourself whether, as a nation, we can tolerate such barbarity," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue. "Please join me in voting for Donald Trump, who strongly opposes abortions like the one that maimed Carhart's late-term abortion patient earlier this year."

Read Operation Rescue's report and view the full documentation.

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