
Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Catholic Relief Services Stored, Dispensed Abortifacient Contraceptives to Millions

New report reveals CRS/USAID dispensed millions of contraceptives and abortifacients

by Michael Hichborn
Lepanto Institute

Since at least 2009, despite numerous well documented reports, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has denied having had any part in the distribution of contraception in any of its projects. Here are a few examples of what has already been reported:
In 2008, CRS was caught by theologian Germaine Grisez, distributing flip-charts promoting condom use.

In each case, CRS denied in any way to have promoted, distributed, or facilitated the distribution of any form of contraception. For instance, in response to a 2013 report by Population Research Institute that provided strong evidence of CRS’s participation in the distribution of contraception, CRS said:

'CRS programming does not include the promotion odistribution of artificial family planning or distribution of abortifacients in any country in which we work.'

article continues at

NOTE: Please sign the petition to His Excellency, Archbishop Paul Coakley, chairman of the board for Catholic Relief Services, to bring CRS into conformity with Pope Benedict XVI’s motu proprio by clicking here:


The Lepanto Institute for the Restoration of All Things in Christ is a research and education organization dedicated to the defense of the Catholic Church against assaults from without as well as from within. Whether in the form of armies, heretics, or traitors, the Church has always faced enemies seeking Her destruction. Today, the Church faces all three.  

In 1571, at the famous Battle of Lepanto, recourse to the Rosary saved the Church against a powerful force. Soldiers and sailors still had to rely upon their wits, strength and blood in the fight, but it was Our Lady of the Rosary who ultimately brought the victory. Today, a powerful force is again assaulting Holy Mother Church but in a much more subtle manner. 
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