
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Catholic Bishop Blasts Tim Kaine: He’s Just a “Cafeteria Catholic” Because He Supports Abortion

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

Archbishop Joseph Naumann of Kansas doesn’t mince any words in a new editorial he posted on the web site of the Catholic archdiocese he heads. He says Hillary Clinton’s running mate Time Kaine is just a “cafeteria Catholic” because he supports abortion.

Naumann’s column is so eloquent nothing needs to be added to it:

In the Oct. 4 vice presidential debate, Senator Kaine acknowledged he was blessed with great Irish Catholic parents and grew up in a wonderful faith-filled family. He also mentioned proudly that he is a graduate of Rockhurst High School, crediting the Jesuits with instilling within him a desire for public service and a commitment to advocate for the poor. I wish that was the end of the story.
It was painful to listen to Senator Kaine repeat the same tired and contorted reasoning to profess his personal opposition to abortion while justifying his commitment to keep it legal. He said all the usual made-for-modern-media sound bites: It is not proper to impose his religious beliefs upon all Americans. He trusts women to make good reproductive choices. And when all else fails, there is always: Do we really want to criminalize and fill our jails with post-abortive women?
With regard to the imposition of religious beliefs, Senator Kaine appears to have no qualms with his public positions conforming with his religious beliefs with regard to such issues as the church’s opposition to racism or our preferential option for the poor. He appears not to be conflicted with our public policies mirroring the Ten Commandments with regard to stealing, perjury, or forms of murder, other than abortion.
Why is Senator Kaine personally opposed to abortion, if he does not believe that it is the taking of an innocent human life? I hope in his science classes at Rockhurst he learned that at the moment of fertilization a new human life has begun with his or her own distinct DNA — different from the genetic code of both the child’s mother and father.

Archbishop Naumann's comments continue

1 comment:

  1. As a true and faithful Catholic, I am offended by the talking heads on all the media outlets, including Fox News, referring to Tim Kaine as a 'devout' Catholic. He is neither devout nor a practicing Catholic. AND THEIR IS NO SUCH THING AS A CAFETERIA CATHOLIC! You don't get to pick and choose which rules you are going to follow. Mr. Kaine and other politicians who profess to be 'Catholic' are heretics and apostates and should be treated as such!
