
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hillary Clinton is for all Americans Except Christians, Conservatives and the Unborn.

By Matt Walsh
The Blaze

The Clinton campaign and the Democratic Party have been engaged in a covert plot to infiltrate and undermine the Catholic Church. That is a crazy Republican conspiracy theory, and the craziest thing about it is that it also happens to be the truth. 

This demonstrates one of the major problems conservatives have always had in dealing with the Clinton Machine: They’re so absurdly corrupt and villainous that simply reporting on their actual behavior makes you sound like a fringe nutcase in an aluminum foil hat.
But the truth is the truth, regardless of how outlandish it sounds. And we know about this truth because it was clearly outlined in leaked emails between top officials in the Clinton campaign. During the course of several conversations, they complained bitterly about conservative Catholics, calling them “severely backwards” and accusing them of being people attracted to “systematic thought,” duped by a “bastardized” faith, and harboring terrible, sexist views about gender. 

Oddly, it was concluded that wealthy and influential Catholics are only Catholic because they want to seem “sophisticated.” I’m not quite sure how someone can be both backwards and sophisticated at the same time, but I suppose hateful prejudices are rarely coherent or consistent.

We created Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good to organize for a moment like this. But I think it lacks the leadership to do so now. Likewise Catholics United. Like most Spring movements, I think this one will have to be bottom up.

We need not even point out how the media would react if these same emails were leaked from top Republicans — as long as “Catholic” and “Catholic Church” were replaced with “Muslims” and “Islam” or even “Jews” and “Judaism.” 

If it were revealed that the Trump campaign not only griped about the “backwards” American Muslims or the “bastardized” Jews, but actually had a hand in creating fake Muslim or Jewish groups as vehicles to sneak in anti-Muslim or anti-Jewish ideology, anchors on CNN would be having actual heart attacks on camera. 
Hillary Clinton would weep publicly over the “hatefulness” and “cynicism” and “discrimination” and so on and so forth. “We’re stronger together,” she would cry out in a robotic voice straining to sound at least somewhat emotional.

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