
Monday, October 31, 2016

Help Wanted! Looking for Volunteers for the Final Days of the 40 Days for Life in Philly

from Dr. Monique Ruberu 

40 Days for Life Co-ordinatior for Center City Philly 

I can't believe we are in the last week of the 40 days vigil... We have been so blessed to witness lives saved, lives changed and to have had 100% coverage of every hour PP has been open. This time we have partnered with others in the city to support a new 40 days outreach at Comly rd PP which will continue... God willing in the next round we will start a 40 days at the other Abortion Giant in the city 777 Appletree near Chinatown.

Like little David's, if we allow ourselves to be filled with the Holy Spirit and ask The Lord alone to open the doors He wants us to walk through... No Giant will stand in our way... Love and peaceful prayer will change hearts and minds!!! God's will be done!

We are blessed to have Giants of our own in the pro life family... We were blessed to participate in His funeral mass this past Saturday... Joe Wall was an amazing man... Intelligent, kind hearted, well read, persevering, brave and most of all a defender of life! Great friend of John Stanton...He never feared for himself as he marched for life not only on our soil but in Europe as well...

When I entered into the pro life movement just a few years ago I heard a story about a man who showed up for a prayer vigil outside the Comly rd Pp... Nobody was there, so he decided to kneel down in the snow and pray a rosary... As he got up to leave a woman came running after him " Sir ... I just wanted to tell you... I saw you praying and realized that you love my baby more than I do...I want you to know I changed my mind!!" That man was Joe Wall... His quiet perseverance... Moved hearts and saved lives...

Last week on the day that he passed away... Another mom chose life for her child at Comly rd... I'm sure he was smiling down from heaven and cheering on the prayer warriors!!!

I'm hoping that he and John Stanton continue to pray for us and send us reinforcements to fill the hours left in the vigil and all the hours between vigils that these places are open.

Please help us fill the last 13 hours of this vigil and let me know if you are interested in being trained as a sidewalk counselor to continue coverage (with a small stipend) between the 40 days vigils

Thursday Nov 3: 8,9,1,3,4
Friday Nov 4: 1,2,3,4
Saturday Nov 5 : 8,12,1,2
Visit to sign up or contact Dr. Ruberu directly at

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