
Monday, October 31, 2016

Theologian Michael Novak: For Catholics, Hillary Is Simply ‘Unvotable’

Gradually, “We started to divide values from life, values from law, through many small compromises. And Catholics have a great responsibility in this." Michael Novak

By Thomas D. Williams, Ph.D. 
Breitbart News

Leading conservative intellectual Michael Novak has defined Hillary Clinton as “unvotable” for Catholics in the upcoming presidential elections because she and her party oppose everything that Catholics hold most dear.

In an interview with the Italian online journal Tempi on the so-called “Catholic vote” in the 2016 elections, Novak admits that Trump is not the candidate of his dreams, but given the options, he stands head and shoulders above his opponent.

“It is clear that Trump is not exactly the candidate by whom a Catholic would want to be represented. But in politics you elect a president, not a saint, or a bishop or the Pope,” said Novak, the author of the international bestseller The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism and a point of reference for many Catholic thinkers.
Along with other Catholic intellectuals, Novak considers Hillary to be simply unvotable. 
“She’s a woman who has lied, violated national laws and anyone else would end up in prison for these things,” he said. “As for me, I cannot vote for a candidate so favorable to abortion, to the secularist agenda in the moral sphere and such a ferocious adversary of religious freedom.”
Breitbart article continues

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