
Friday, October 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton and Cecile Richards Coordinated Defense of Planned Parenthood After Shocking Videos

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

According to emails made public by Wikileaks, pro-abortion Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Cecile Richards, the CEO of Planned Parenthood, coordinated the defense of the abortion company after shocking videos were released showing it selling the body parts of the board of babies.

According to the Wikileaks emails, Richards and John Podesta, the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, exchanged emails about getting Hillary Clinton to come to the abortion business’ defense. Clinton was one of the first major Democrats to come to the defense of the abortion company after Planned Parenthood was exposed selling aborted baby parts.
After Clinton spoke publicly in defense of Planned Parenthood, Cecile Richards emailed Podesta with a thank you. Podesta responded with an email that made it appear Clinton may have been concerned about the political ramifications of supporting the abortion company during the height of its negative publicity.

The Daily Caller has more:

After she publicly addressed the videos and defended the group July 23, Planned Parenthood president Cecile Richards sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta with the subject line “Thanks.”

“Yup,” Podesta replied. “Took a little convincing. The tapes do hurt.”

Podesta and Richards apparently stayed in touch. A few days before she was called to testify about the tapes before Congress, he shot her an email. “I know you are up to your ass in alligators,” he wrote, “but can you give me a call. Take 5 minutes.”

As LifeNews reported, undercover footage showed Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Senior Director of Medical Services, Dr. Deborah Nucatola, describing how Planned Parenthood sells the body parts of aborted unborn children and admitting she uses partial-birth abortions to supply intact body parts.

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