
Friday, October 21, 2016

The Planned Parenthood Exhibits

Clarke Forsythe

Acting President & Senior Counsel
Americans United for Life

As Planned Parenthood celebrates its 96th Birthday, Americans United for Life continues to expose the truth about the nation’s largest abortion provider. Through AUL’s new initiative, “The Planned Parenthood Exhibits,” each day in the month of October, AUL will release a backgrounder that highlights grounds for investigating and, ultimately, de-funding Planned Parenthood. The exhibits build on AUL’s ground-breaking analysis in the July 2011 AUL report The Case for Investigating Planned Parenthood which helped lead to the ongoing Congressional investigation.

Americans United for Life is the legal architect of the pro-life movement. We are accumulating victories, building momentum, and advancing a culture of life in America.
Legal and policy issues on which we work nationally and internationally include:

Our work takes us from state legislatures to Capitol Hill and from American courtrooms to international tribunals. We are using life-affirming laws and policies as a vehicle to restore a culture of life in America and throughout the world.  For more information about Americans United for Life, please use this link.  

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