
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Leaked Email: Hillary Clinton Will be More Pro-Abortion Than Obama, Will Force Christians to Fund Abortions

By Steven Ertelt

Life News

More emails released by WikiLeaks concerning the email account of Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta reveal that Hillary Clinton would be even more of an abortion advocate than President Barack Obama.

The new email released today has a top adviser to Hillary Clinton talking about her intimate discussions with top officials from the Planned Parenthood abortion businesses and its attempt to dismantle the Helms Amendment, which prohibits forcing taxpayers to fund abortions in other countries.

The email makes it clear that the Obama Administration was seeking to weaken the pro-life law to allow taxpayer funding of abortion in certain circumstances but was attempting to provide a very modest measure of protection for faith-based groups that did not want to be required to pay for abortions.

In the email from Jennifer Klein, a Georgetown law professor who currently advises Clinton, to Podesta, Klein makes it clear that providing conscience protections for faith-based groups is “a problem, as a matter of substance and also as a matter of politics” for Clinton.

The Clinton advisor makes it clear that Hillary Clinton opposes such a policy. In other words Hillary Clinton would favor dismantling the Helms Amendment and providing absolutely no protection for faith-based organizations or citizens who don’t want to be a party to paying for promoting a referring for abortions.

Life News report continues

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