
Saturday, October 29, 2016

Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz Hiring Activists to “Stop Donald Trump” “Make $2,400 Before Election Day”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Planned Parenthood desperately wants pro-abortion Democrat Hillary Clinton to win the White House in November.

With just a few weeks left, the abortion chain’s political arm is advertising political activist jobs in New England states to help “Stop Trump.”

“We have less than two weeks until election day – large bonuses in the final stretch,” a Planned Parenthood Action ad read on Craigslist, “make over $2,400 before election day if you work all available shifts!”
LifeNews found two Planned Parenthood ads posted this week targeting Boston and New Hampshire audiences and offering up to $18 per hour to campaign for pro-abortion politicians.
An article in Rolling Stone earlier this month reported Planned Parenthood is putting together a $30 million army to storm the country for Clinton. Hundreds of paid staffers and thousands of volunteers are knocking on doors in swing states across the nation. In fact, the amount of paid staff for abortion giant is larger than the paid staff of Hillary Clinton’s campaign itself.
The future of Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion business, could depend heavily on who wins the upcoming presidential election. Clinton is Planned Parenthood’s “champion,” and its CEO Cecile Richards has been involved heavily in her campaign, traveling to dozens of states to stump for her.
Both pro-life and pro-abortion advocates know that the next president could heavily influence future U.S. Supreme Court decisions. The next president could have the opportunity to nominate up to four justices and sway its decisions on abortion and unborn babies’ rights for decades.

Clinton promised to nominate justices who will uphold Roe v. Wade and abortion on demand up until birth. Trump said he will appoint “pro-life justices” with a “conservative bent.”

Trump has made some troubling comments about Planned Parenthood in the past, but he has been fairly consistent lately about his support for defunding it and giving those tax dollars to community health centers that offer comprehensive health care.

In September, Trump released a letter outlining his specific pro-life policies. One of them is to defund the abortion chain as long as it keeps killing unborn children. Trump also called to make permanent the Hyde Amendment, which bans direct taxpayer funding for abortions in Medicaid.
Clinton, on the other hand, said she will work to repeal the Hyde Amendment and force taxpayers to fund abortions. If Clinton succeeds, the Guttmacher Institute estimates 33,000 more unborn babies will be killed in abortions every year with our tax dollars. And Planned Parenthood, which already receives huge amounts of our tax dollars for what it says are non-abortion services, could benefit greatly.

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