
Tuesday, November 15, 2016

8 Abortion Clinic Workers Quit Their Jobs During the Last 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign

“I just can’t do this any more!”

By Steven Ertelt
Life News

During the last 40 Days for Life prayer campaign hundreds of babies were saved from abortion as pro-life volunteers prayed and supported pregnant women outside abortion clinics across the country and around the world.

But that wasn’t the only success.

As Sean Carney of 40 Days for Life tells, 8 abortion clinic workers quit their jobs and experienced a conversion thanks to the prayers of the pro-life advocates who spent thousands and thousands of hours outside local abortion facilities. He will share more details during a post-campaign webcast tonight.

“Momentum is building. And tonight, we will share the amazing results and details of the victories God provided through the 40 Days for Life campaign that just ended, including the breaking news that EIGHT abortion industry workers experienced conversions during this campaign and quit their jobs,” Carney said.
“Many of the people who leave their abortion jobs greet 40 Days for Life vigil participants outside their workplaces with a common sentiment: “I just can’t do this any more!” The abortion industry is packed with hardened hearts. But the peaceful prayer witness outside their windows can make a difference,” he said.
40 Days for Life story continues 

Voices for Life is an e-publication dedicated to informing and educating the public on pro-life and pro-family issues. To read our Mission Statement, use this link. Follow us on FacebookGooglePinterest and The Tea Party Community. Help us spread the pro-life message by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Pregnant, need help or know someone who does? Help is available. Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.  If you've had an abortion and are looking for support, please know there are many organizations where you can find help. Call 1-800-5WE-CARE.


  1. There is a woman escort at Comly Rd Planned Parenthood who used to also be at Warminster Planned Parenthood. She is really dedicated to her cause (although we have a hard time convincing her that killing innocent unborn babies is not helping women or women's HEALTH. We offer our Rosary for her every week but she just shakes her head at us like we are crazy. How crazy is it to support the Killing of these innocent babies. She likes to take our pictures (like that will intimidate us) and stop coming there to pray for her, the abortionists , the mothers and fathers, and most importantly the babies.

    1. Sounds like you're getting to her Bill. Your prayers will be answered one of the days, I'm sure.
