
Monday, November 14, 2016

Election Mercy; Crucial November 15th Pennsylvania House Leadership Election


Mike McMonagle, President
Pro-Life Coalition of Pennsylvania

God Shows Mercy

In the November 8, 2016 General Election, our nation received God's Mercy by the defeat of Hillary Clinton, finalized by the results in Pennsylvania. The other election results in Pennsylvania also proved mostly positive, as U.S. Senator Pat Toomey was re-elected.

Stop the Election of a Pro-Abortion Chairman of the
 Pa. House of Representatives Appropriations Committee

I continue with an urgent request for action to prevent the election of a pro-abortion Chairman of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives Appropriations Committee on Tuesday, November 15, 2016, when the incoming Pennsylvania House Republicans vote for their legislative leaders for the 2017-2018 session.

The election of a pro-abortion Chairman of the Pennsylvania House Appropriations Committee on November 15, 2016 would increase the difficulty of stopping state funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion committers in Pennsylvnia.

Although they delayed a Final Passage vote on H.B.1948 (the bill to ban most late-term abortions in Pa.), the current Pennsylvania House Leaders (Speaker Mike Turzai from Allegheny County, Majority Leader Dave Reed from Indiana County, and Majority Whip Bryan Cutler from Lancaster County) all have pro-life records. They also face no serious opposition to their re-election to these positions.

Nevertheless, significant competition exists for the crucial position of Chairman of the Pennsylvania House Appropriations Committee. The Chairman of this Committee has considerable influence on whether our state government continues to fund pro-abortion organizations, such as Planned Parenthood.

Despite their prior mostly pro-life records, two of these candidates (Warren Kampf from Chester County and Scott Petri from Bucks County) have taken pro-abortion positions. They did so on June 21, 2016 by voting against H.B.1948. They both attempt to justify their vote by arguing that late-term abortions are necessary to eliminate children likely to be born with certain disabilities and/or who are likely to die shortly after birth.

Their support for late-term abortion should disqualify them for this position. This disqualification should take priority over the desire for "geographic balance" in the Pa. House leaders by electing a member from Southeast Pa.

  • Please contact the current and/or new elected Republican State House members from your area as soon as possible and urge them not to vote for Warren Kampf or Scott Petri for Pennsylvania House Appropriations Committee Chairman.  (If you don’t know who your state representative is, or you need contact information, please use this link. 
  • Urge them to follow the lead of Representative Kathy Rapp, the Chairman of the Pa. House Pro-Life Caucus, and vote for one of the candidates with a pro-life position.  


In the next few weeks I plan to further analyze the November 8, 2016 Election results. I will also urge that our public policy response to God's great gift of Mercy in this election should include to zealously pursue and achieve the end of government funding for Planned Parenthood and other abortion committers in 2017. 

This effort can begin on November 15, 2016 by electing a pro-life Chairman of the Pa. House Appropriations Committee. Please assist our efforts for November 15, 2016 by contacting your State Representative today! 

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