
Saturday, December 17, 2016

New Movie Will Praise Racist Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger as an “Icon and Hero”

Blogger's note: Voices for Life recently posted an American Life League article about the founder of Planned Parenthood.  To learn the truth about her evil agenda, click on  'Who was the real Margaret Sanger'.  

By Erin Parfet
Life News

Despite founding an organization that has become the nation’s biggest abortion business, Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger is being exalted by Hollywood as “an icon and hero,” Deadline reports.

Ellen Feldman’s book, Terrible Virtue, which is about Sanger’s life, is being turned into a film to highlight various aspects of Sanger’s work. Producing the film is Justine Ciarrocchi, a production partner of popular actress Jennifer Lawrence, and directing it is well-known actor and director Ron Howard, according to the report.

As Deadline reports:

Published by HarperCollins in March, Terrible Virtue focuses on Sanger as the daughter of a hard-drinking, smooth-tongued free thinker and mother worn down by 13 children, who vowed her life would be different. 

Following Sanger’s training as a nurse, her work alongside labor organizers, anarchists, socialists and other progressives and eventually her devotion to the cause of legalizing contraception, the film examines the risks she took and the impact she had that lasts to the present day.
“Margaret’s story as an advocate who led the battle for birth control and eventually founding Planned Parenthood is so relevant given our recent election and today’s climate as we are once again forced to deal with basic human rights,” Erika Olde, an assistant film producer, told Deadline. “I share a mutual passion of the subject with Justine and look forward to bringing this topic and heroic individual to the forefront.”
But abortion is not a “basic human rights” issue when it strips the most fundamental human right, life, to those who cannot speak for themselves. Today, Planned Parenthood has become the No. 1 abortion provider in the United States, stripping more than 320,000 unborn babies their right to life every year.

Life News article continues

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