
Sunday, December 18, 2016

New York Times Laments That “Abortion Rights” Are “Rolling Back After Donald Trump’s Election”

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

There are about four clarion calls a week issued by the editorial board of the New York Times to rouse fellow pro-abortionists. The latest call to beat back the Huns (a.k.a. pro-lifer legislators) appeared this week under the headline, “Rolling Back Abortion Rights After Donald Trump’s Election.”

The editorial is almost entirely about Ohio where Gov. John Kasich this week signed SB 127, the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, and vetoed H.B. 493, commonly known as the Heartbeat Bill. H.B. 493 would ban abortions once the baby’s heartbeat is detected.

Pro-life President-elect Donald Trump was mentioned because the Ohio laws are “part of a dangerous nationwide effort to roll back abortion rights that has gained momentum with Donald Trump’s election.”

Dangerous? To the Abortion Industry, sure. “Gained momentum” because of Mr. Trump’s victory? You betcha.

The key paragraph in the editorial is the following:

Two 20-week bans have been struck down in federal courts as unconstitutional. But abortion opponents in Ohio believe the new law will withstand legal challenges, perhaps even at the Supreme Court.
Robert Cupp, a Republican state representative, says he thinks the court will be swayed by medical advances allowing more very premature babies to survive. A victory at the Supreme Court could open the door for a federal 20-week ban, which was introduced last year but blocked by Senate Democrats.

National Right to Life article continues

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1 comment:

  1. Good. Abortion rights, meaning that Planned Parenthood is losing the rights to prey upon the bodies of women and children.
