
Monday, January 16, 2017

24th Annual March for Life in Chester County, Pa. to Take Place on Sunday, January 22, 2017

The Twenty-fourth Annual March for Life will be held on Sunday, January 22, 2017.  We will begin at 2:30 pm at St. Agnes Church, 233 W. Gay Street in West Chester, Pennsylvania.

The theme for the program this year is 'Prayer and Public Witness'. Our featured speaker is Monsignor Logrip, Chaplain at Camilla Hall Nursing Home. As usual, our Public Witness Award will be given to an individual whose efforts have shown a deep and lasting devotion to the cause of life.

Musical interludes will be provided by Laura and Walter Geis Family singers.

Following the program in the Church, pro-lifers will assemble in the church parking lot in preparation for a Silent March to the old Chester County Courthouse (map).  Marchers will carry white crosses; each of the 57 crosses representing 1,000,000 aborted babies since 1973.

At the courthouse, a short prayer service will be held followed by the singing of 'The Battle Hymn of the Republic'.

Afterwards, everyone is invited to the Knights of Columbus Hall (map) for a social and refreshments.

This event is sponsored by the Chester County Pro-Life Coalition.

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