
Monday, January 16, 2017

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards Stands in Front of a Cross While Promoting Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards’ latest photo op had pro-lifers calling out the abortion chain this weekend for using a cross to promote abortion.
On Saturday, Latinos for Planned Parenthood account tweeted a photo of Richards speaking in front of a cross in the Metropolitan AME Church sanctuary Saturday in Washington, D.C.

"Thanks to the young people who came up and shared their stories with no fear." @CecileRichards addressing thousands at  rally.
The highly paid CEO gave her speech during a Here to Stay rally protesting President-elect Donald Trump’s position on immigration. Planned Parenthood co-sponsored the immigration rally and used it to promote its abortion agenda.

In a column for Medium, Richards claimed her abortion chain is essential to immigrants in the U.S.

“I’m proud to work for Planned Parenthood, where we believe health care is a fundamental human right — in the U.S. and around the world,” Richards wrote. “When politicians threaten to take away health care from millions of people and ‘defund’ Planned Parenthood, we know the people who will suffer most are those who already face barriers to health care.”
However, Planned Parenthood provides very limited health care services; its main business is abortions. The abortion chain does one third of all abortions in the U.S., or about 320,000 per year. And while its abortion numbers have remained fairly steady, its patient numbers and non-abortion health care services have been dropping.
“Cecile Richards spoke at the conference, because Democrats are masters at connecting every issue to abortion,” Chicks on the Right’s Hannah Bleau wrote after noticing the tweets. “It’s incredibly unsettling. Here’s a woman who makes money off the slaughter of innocent babies. Seeing her behind a pulpit with crosses in the background? No. That doesn’t work for me.”
Others also criticized the abortion chain on Twitter:
@Latinos4PP @CecileRichards Shameless,in front of the cross,no less.Absolutely No fear of God. Woe 2 her who calls evil good and good evil.

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