
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Abortionist Quits After a Dream: “These Children are the Ones You Killed With Your Abortions”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Nightmares and dreams about children plagued Stojan Adasevic for years while he worked as an abortionist for communist Serbia.

In 26 years, Stojan aborted approximately 48,000 unborn children, including his own relatives. According to his communist country, however, he only was removing blobs of tissue.

The National Catholic Register reports Stojan had a conversion experience, partially as a result of his dreams, and he now is one of the strongest advocates for unborn babies’ lives in Eastern Europe.

Here’s more from the report:

In describing his conversion to La Razon, Adasevic “dreamed about a beautiful field full of children and young people who were playing and laughing, from four to 24 years of age, but who ran away from him in fear. A man dressed in a black and white habit stared at him in silence. The dream was repeated each night and he would wake up in a cold sweat.

One night Stojan asked the man in black and white in his frightening dream as to his identity.

“My name is Thomas Aquinas,” he responded. Stojan, educated in communist schools that pushed atheism instead of real learning, didn’t recognize the Dominican saint’s name.
Stojan asked the nightly visitor, “Who are these children?”
“They are the ones you killed with your abortions,” St. Thomas told him bluntly and without preamble.
Stojan awoke in shock and fear. He decided he would refuse to participate in any more abortions.

His resolve was difficult to follow the next day when he went into work. Stojan said one of his cousins came to the hospital with his pregnant girlfriend. They wanted an abortion, and he reluctantly agreed, according to the report.

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