
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Planned Parenthood, Abortion Clinics Overbilled Taxpayers by Over $130 Million, Report Finds

By Samuel Smith
Christan Post

The fifth annual report that analyzes how the abortion industry is wasting taxpayer money was released on Wednesday by the law firm Alliance Defending Freedom and the education arm of the pro-life lobbying organization Susan B. Anthony list, Charlotte Lozier Institute.

Titled "Profit. No Matter What," the document highlights findings from available audits of Planned Parenthood affiliates and state family planning programs.

The 2017 report, which is authored by Charlotte Lozier Institute senior fellow Catherine Glen Foster, includes new audits on state family planning programs in California, Texas, and Wisconsin and audits of Planned Parenthood clinics in Ohio, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Wisconsin.

"The Nebraska audit found a Planned Parenthood affiliate spending federal funds on abortion expenses in violation of federal and state law," the report explains, which is a violation of the Hyde Amendment banning medicaid funds from being used for abortions.
"Charlotte Lozier Institute and Alliance Defending Freedom's research strongly suggests that Planned Parenthood and its affiliates are engaged in a pattern of practices designed to maximize their bottom-line revenues through billings to complex, well-funded federal and state programs that are understaffed and rely on the integrity of the provider for program compliance."

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