
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Alveda King on the “Women’s March:” “Who Represented Those Little Girls Being Aborted?”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Hundreds of thousands of women marched on Washington, D.C. over the weekend, supposedly to speak up for women’s rights.

However, the march organizers made it very clear that the event was opposed to the rights of females in the womb and those who speak up against abortion were unwelcome.

Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jr. and director of African American outreach for Priests for Life, said the Women’s March on Washington was a “missed opportunity” to stand for every woman’s rights.

In an interview Sunday with Fox & Friends, King explained how she aborted her unborn child and struggled for years with pain and regret. She said that by supporting abortion, the march organizers ignored how abortion has hurt and destroyed so many women’s lives, including her own unborn child’s.

“I don’t understand why, if this is a sisterhood, how they can leave out the little babies in the womb, the mothers who have been hurt by abortion. I think that’s part of the message,” King said.
“The little baby girls in the womb, what about them? Who is going to represent those little girls who are being aborted?” she continued.
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