
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Black Pastor: “People Cry for Harambe, But They Have no Love for Babies Killed Every Day” in Abortions

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Bishop Vincent Mathews Jr. of the Church of God in Christ issued a strong call to Americans to stand up against the injustice of abortion on Friday during the March for Life.

Mathews, a leader in the predominantly black denomination, led the prayer that kicked off the march, which drew hundreds of thousands of pro-lifers to the nation’s capital on Friday. Before praying, Mathews talked about how the abortion industry targets the black community, and how churches like his are working to bring about a change.

“But as you stand here, you’re protecting black Americans and Africans around the world,” Mathews said. “My people are being hunted like animals. People cry for Harambe, but they have no love for us as we’re being killed every day. Enough is enough. It’s time to rise up. It’s our time to save lives. The slaughter shall end.”

Abortions are disproportionately high in the African American community. According to the National Vital Statistics Report from June 2012, African American women experience an average of 1.6 times more pregnancies than white women, but have five times more abortions during their lifetime.

Another study found that 79 percent of Planned Parenthood surgical abortion facilities are within walking distance of black and Hispanic neighborhoods.

Mathews said the black community is beginning to rise up against the injustice of abortion toward the unborn. He said his 6.5 million-member denomination is promoting the life issues and encouraging its members to adopt babies who otherwise might be aborted.

Here’s more from The Christian Post:

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