
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Vice-President Mike Pence Invites Pro-Life Leaders to the White House, Obama Had Abortion Activists

National Right to Life President Carol Tobias
By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Just ahead of the March for Life, pro-life leaders received a special invitation to visit with Vice President Mike Pence at the White House.

Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, told Breitbart her invitation to the White House on the eve of the annual pro-life march brought her hope.
“I was so honored to have been invited to the White House the day before the March for Life to meet Vice President Mike Pence, who I have worked with years in the pro-life movement,” Hawkins told the news outlet. “We have no better ally as pro-lifers and as I’ve said before, Mike Pence was working to defund Planned Parenthood before it was cool.”

National Right to Life President Carol Tobias was another of the many pro-life leader to attend the Vice President’s event. 

Pence is the former governor of Indiana who has a longtime pro-life position and a lengthy pro-life record putting pro-life legislation into law and voting pro-life as a member of Congress.
“Let me be clear: People who know me well know I’m pro-life, and I don’t apologize for it,” he said previously. “I want to live to see the day that we put the sanctity of life back at the center of American law, and we send Roe v. Wade to the ash heap of history, where it belongs.”
President Donald Trump’s stance on abortion was less clear initially, having previously described himself as pro-choice. He said a friend changed his mind about abortion, and he now is pro-life. 

Trump’s selection of Pence and other pro-life leaders for his administration, his quick action to reinstate the Mexico City Policy to prohibit taxpayer funding to groups that promote or provide abortions overseas, and more have given the movement hope that the new president will work to protect unborn babies and moms from abortion.

Life News article continues

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