
Monday, January 23, 2017

First Northeast Pro Life Rally held on Roe V Wade Anniversary

 Christopher Smith giving his talk on his play.

As pro-lifers commemorate 44 years of Roe v Wade, 150 pro lifers in Philly area assembled at St. Katherine of Siena's parish in the Northeast Section for the first ever rally.

Those in attendance heard from Christopher Smith, composer and creator of Broadway hit Amazing Grace, Katelyn D'Adamo, second year missionary for Generation Life, Pat Stanton, and Bill Melone of AlphaCare.

Anita Flynn of St. Matthew's thought that yesterday's rally "illustrated there is still strong support for the Pro-Life cause. Sometimes with all the media attention on a more liberal point of view we lose sight of the fact there is still a strong grassroots support for life and in the recent election this voice impacted the results in favor of a pro-life agenda.

It was heartening to see the number of people who attended the rally and also to see younger people in the pews."

Out of the speakers that gave their testimony, she was awestruck with Katelyn.

"I believe it is so important that someone is working to get the Pro-Life message to the younger generations. It isn’t necessarily spoken about too much in our parish churches or schools and to have the message brought to young people by young people is so important. It’s sowing the seeds now that hopefully will stay with them as they mature."

The hallmark of the rally was when Christopher Smith shared a story of how his mother was pregnant with him in 1969.

Bill Melone of AlphaCare reflected the practical side of the Pro Life movement – we not only want to save the babies but support for the moms is also needed. The Stork Bus is a prime example of executing a Pro Life agenda. There was a need and it was filled. The Grace City Church is also such a strong leader in the vigils outside of Planned Parenthood.


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