
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Five Ways to Save Lives in 2017

You Can Help Save Lives in 2017!

by Maria Gallagher, Legislative/PAC Director
Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation

2017 could prove to be a breakthrough year for protecting innocent human life in the U.S. We have a new pro-life Administration assuming leadership in the Executive Branch...a pro-life Congress...and the prospect of judges who will uphold our life-affirming Constitution. Pre-born children and their mothers, the frail elderly, and people with disabilities could receive greater legal protection in the new year.

Still, 2017 will not achieve its pro-life potential without your help! Here are five things you can do in the new year to help save lives:

1. Use your cell phone as a life-saving device. Whenever you receive an email alerting you to an important pro-life vote in Congress or in the state legislature, call and email your lawmaker and urge him or her to support vital pro-life bills--and to defeat dangerous anti-life legislation. You can find contact info for both state and federal officials at the National Right to Life Legislative Action Center by using this link.  

2. Harness the power of social media to spread the pro-life message. Whether you are a Facebook fanatic, a Twitter trendsetter, an Instagram idol, or a prince or princess of Pinterest, use your electronic social skills to post videos, photos, articles, and memes that celebrate the inherent value and dignity of every human life. You never know when that ultrasound video you posted will end up in the news feed of someone who, at that very moment, is wondering about the development of the child in the womb.

3. Find out the name, phone number, and address of the pregnancy resource center or centers in your area. If you have a smartphone, add the center(s) to your contact list. That way, if you encounter a pregnant woman in need of comprehensive support, you have the information at your fingertips. 
4. Help ensure that the 2017 March for Life is the biggest, most impactful ever by making it your New Year's Resolution to attend. Because of the Inaugural festivities, this year's March will take place later than usual--January 27th. For complete details, use this link.  If you cannot make it to the March in person, be a virtual participant by posting updates about this awe-inspiring demonstration in support of life--and in opposition to the tragic 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision known as Roe v. Wade. Show your solidarity with pregnant mothers, women and men who have been wounded by abortion, and the nearly 60 million preborn Americans who have died as a result of Roe.
5. Volunteer your unique talents to enhance respect for the most vulnerable among us. Love to crochet? Consider crocheting stylish hats for newborns. Enchanted by words? Dedicate your blog posts to pro-life topics, write letters to your public officials about pressing pro-life issues, craft well-researched letters to the editor to submit to local newspapers or digital news outlets. Consider volunteering your time and talent to a chapter of the Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation--or the National Right to Life affiliate in your state.
A few minutes of your time could mean a lifetime of opportunity--for someone you don't even know!

The Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation, Inc., is committed to promoting the dignity and value of human life from conception to natural death and to restoring legal protection for preborn children. Through legislation, political action, education and other legal means, we proclaim the truth about abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia.  For more information or to find out how you can become involved, please use this link.  

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