
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Why it’s High Time Justice Knocked on Planned Parenthood’s Door

By Kristi Burton Brown
Live Action News

Many Americans are unaware that over half a billion in taxpayer dollars – their hard-earned money – is given annually to one of the most corrupt organizations in the United States. Planned Parenthood is the happy recipient of these funds that translate into over $1.4 million every single day. Every single day, Planned Parenthood also commits 887 abortions, which averages out to one abortion every minute-and-a-half.

But, if the fact that 37 unique, new, human lives are being taken every hour doesn’t force us to question why we are forking over taxpayer dollars to Planned Parenthood, there is plenty else that should.

On December 13, Senate Judiciary Chairman Charles Grassley referred Planned Parenthood Federation of America and four Planned Parenthood affiliates, including the largest one in the country and several that commit late-term abortions, to the FBI and the DOJ for “investigation and possible prosecution.” 

An extensive inquiry by the Judiciary Committee found that Planned Parenthood’s own documents and admissions revealed possible criminal conspiracy and other violations of the law in the sale of baby body parts. The report concluded
“PPFA not only turned a blind eye to the affiliates’ violations of its fetal tissue policy, but also altered its own oversight procedures enabling those affiliates’ practices to continue unimpeded.”
Earlier in December, Congress’ Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives referred Planned Parenthood of the Gulf Coast (another of the organization’s largest affiliates) for criminal investigation, asserting that evidence points to PPGC’s breaking state and federal laws in a baby body part sales scheme.
Live Action News article continues 

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