
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Grandmas Start New Grandmothers for Abortion Group to Promote Aborting Grandkids

By Erin Parfet
Life News

A group of elderly women wearing yellow T-shirts with the word “GRR!” splashed across the front gained public attention recently at the Maine state Capitol as they advocated for abortion, the Free Press reports.

GRR! stands for “Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights.” The group seeks to educate women at the local level about the pro-abortion agenda, and encourage women to speak with their local government officials about supporting abortion and other reproductive health issues. About 40 grandmothers participate in GRR!, according to the report.

Judy Kahrl founded the group after traveling to Africa and noticing young women who postponed family and childbearing for education and career. She said she noticed a disconnect with American society where abortion is more commonplace and yet the “pro-choice” crowd remains largely silent. So, she said she decided to start the local advocacy group GRR! on the Maine homefront.

“Abortion is a sticking point for many because it has become connected to religion,” Kahrl told the Free Press. “It’s not a religious issue. It’s not a Republican or Democratic issue. Reproductive freedom is a human rights issue.”
“This isn’t about us,” Kahrl added. “We’ve had our children and grandchildren. This is for them.”
Kahrl’s father, Dr. Clarence Gamble, associated with Procter and Gamble, graduated from Harvard Medical School, and later his practice delved into women’s health issues including birth control advocacy, according to the New Maine Times.

Gamble was “good friends” with Margaret Sanger, the founder of the Planned Parenthood abortion business, according to the report. He founded a grassroots organization called “Pathfinder International” devoted to international reproductive health education, including the promotion of abortion. Judy Kahrl sometimes accompanied her father on these trips, the report continued.


  1. I am glad they aren't my grandmother I might have been murdered before I had the chance to live..... just by the mere title of grandmother they demonstrate the ability to choose life How can they make it so random and arbitrary God help us!

  2. I hope "grandma" realizes the abortion movement is closely tied to the euthanasia groups oops they are in that "choice" group the only thing is that just like the babies that are killed by their mothers through abortion someone else might be making the "choice for them...slippery slope ladies hope your got grippers on your boots
