
Sunday, January 15, 2017

Pro-Lifers Meet Filmmaker and Reporter Who Exposed Gosnell

JD Mullane (right) and David Altrogge take questions from
 pro-lifers about their work in making Kermit Gosnell national news.

by Mickey Kelly

Pro-lifers attend the winter summit in Center City. The day began with 1205 mass at the cathedral, celebrated by Father Ken Babrazon. In his sermon, he commended pro-lifers for what they do to show God's mercy towards others.

Following the mass, everyone gathered at the pastoral center where they watched the documentary on Kermit Gosnell. During the screening, the audience of about 100 in attendance, were shocked, upset, shaking  and even hanging their heads when the documentary revealed facts about negligence of the PA health department, women whose lives were changed, and Gosnell's way of reasoning.

JD Mullane, tweeted a picture of an empty courtroom and "it went viral" though he was accused of posting a "fake picture" by the Clinton News Network, aka, CNN who was called out by President Trump as "fake news". He went on to say that "social media will play a key role in making stories like Gosnell reach the masses."

David Altrogge,  the filmmaker of the 3801 documentary, discussed that it was done on a shoestring budget. The movie had him thinking about the debate. He gathered testimonies from the CSU, DA, victims, and even PP workers who walked out of the Wilmington PP in light of Gosnell.

To view the trailer of this documentary, or to find out how to purchase this film, please use this link. 

Mickey Kelly, a journalist from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is part of the Pro-Life Generation. 

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National Hotline: Call 1-800-712-HELP or Text 'HELPLINE' to 313131.
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 If you are experiencing pain or loss because of an abortion, please know there are many organizations where you can find help. Call 1-800-5WE-CARE. 

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