
Wednesday, January 11, 2017

MSNBC Host Tells Planned Parenthood CEO: “These Airwaves Are Your Airwaves”

By Katie Yoder
Life News

Americans know the liberal media are untrustworthy. But there’s something especially repulsive when they don’t even pretend to uphold journalistic integrity.

On Sunday, MSNBC host Joy Reid invited Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards on her show, AM Joy. But rather than conducting an interview, Reid turned her show into a Planned Parenthood lovefest, from insinuating that defunding Planned Parenthood would make women die to promising Richards that “these airwaves are your airwaves.”

To begin her show, Reid lamented over the recent announcement by House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., that an upcoming bill to repeal ObamaCare would include legislation to defund Planned Parenthood.

Turning to Richards, Reid elaborated on the greatness of Planned Parenthood.
“I think we need to be in fight-mode as women, the idea that Planned Parenthood, Cecile, the place where, when I graduated from college and had no money and was broke and had a low-paying job, got all my health care,” she said, flustered. “Not abortion care, health care. It – it literally will be defunded just like that. What can Americans do about it?”
Throughout the interview, the host and guests echoed each other.

When another guest, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health Executive Director Jessica González-Rojas, gushed that 
“A fight against Planned Parenthood is a fight against our communities,” Reid responded, “Yeah, absolutely.” Richards also added, “absolutely.”
Reid went so far as to use the word “we” when referring Planned Parenthood.
“Are we at risk now, is Planned Parenthood at risk,” she asked, “of red-state Democrats throwing Planned Parenthood under the bus?”
Life News article continues

1 comment:

  1. I cannot stomach watching the media! When they refuse to show the disposal of the aborted children and the procedure of dismembering the baby in order to abort it or the young girls and women that deal with lifelong emotional issues after having their abortion. It is murder and deserves "fair" press. You are suppose to be reporters not private citizens with a microphone..... DO YOUR JOB no one pays me to express my opinions and that is not what you are supposed to be paid for either... The days of the American public following on your every word are over. Get with the program and grow a little integrity it could make the world of difference!
