
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Abby Johnson Plans to Infiltrate Planned Parenthood’s Anti-Trump March

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

As they so often do, abortion activists seem to be taking over the Women’s March on Washington, D.C. this January for their agenda.

Officially, the march organizers have not mentioned the event’s position on abortion. The mission of the march is to “send a bold message to our new government … that women’s rights are human rights,” according to its website. Strong sentiments against Donald Trump have been associated with the march, which is scheduled for Jan. 21, the day after the presidential inauguration.

However, the march, which originally was touted to be inclusive of all women and supportive of all women’s rights, is largely sponsored by abortion advocacy groups like Planned Parenthood and NARAL, whose abortion agenda denies rights to females in the womb.

Some pro-life women leaders are refusing to let abortion groups take over. Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins recently announced her group’s plans to be at the march as a pro-life voice for women.

Abby Johnson, the Planned Parenthood worker-turned pro-life advocate, is another. Johnson, who runs And Then There Were None, an outreach to help abortion clinic workers who want to quit their jobs, told the Washington Times she plans to attend to protest her former employer.

“As a former director of a Planned Parenthood facility, I will be there to talk about the corruption inside this organization who proclaims to ‘care about women,’ ” Johnson said in a statement. “I am hoping to send the true feminist message that life empowers women and that women do not need the manipulative services offered by our country’s largest abortion provider.”
Life News article continues

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If you are experiencing pain or loss because of an abortion, please know there are many organizations where you can find help. Call 1-800-5WE-CARE. 

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