
Saturday, January 14, 2017

Survey Shows Most Members of Congress Who Graduated From Catholic Colleges are Pro-Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A new survey found a troubling lack of adherence among Catholic-educated politicians to teachings about the sanctity of human life and abortion.

The Cardinal Newman Society recently reviewed the voting records of federal legislators who graduated from Jesuit universities, and found a strong majority of them have pro-abortion voting records, the College Fix reports.

Jesuit college alumni hold 56 seats in the new Congress, making up 10 percent of the body, according to the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities.

However, Matt Archbold, who conducted the survey, said only two of those U.S. Senators and 12 U.S. Representatives have pro-life voting records. The rest have pro-abortion or mixed records on the abortion issue, according to his report.
“I searched their voting records and found that out of the 12 Jesuit-educated Senators, there are only two reliably pro-life legislators. Two! The rest are either reliably pro-abortion or have mixed voting records,” Archbold wrote.
The two pro-life Senators are John Barrasso, R-Wyoming, and Dan Sullivan, R-Arkansas, according to the survey.

In the U.S. House, 12 Representatives who attended Catholic universities vote pro-life consistently, while 32 vote pro-abortion or mixed, according to his report. 

They are Vern Buchanan, R-Florida, Barbara Comstock, R-Virginia, Dan Donovan, R-New York, John Faso, R-New York, Jeff Fortenberry, R-Nebraska, Mike Gallagher, R-Wisconsin, Paul Gosar, R-Arizona, Trey Hollingsworth, R-Indiana, Frank LoBiondo, R- New Jersey, Mick Mulvaney, R-South Carolina, Timothy Murphy, R-Pennsylvania, and Francis Rooney, R-Florida.
The Jesuit association celebrated the number of Catholic-educated lawmakers in the new Congress earlier this week, but Archbold said he could not celebrate when so many of those lawmakers vote against Catholic teachings on the sanctity of life.
Life News article continues

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