
Friday, January 20, 2017

“Women’s March” Throws Out Pregnancy Center Providing Abortion Alternatives to Women

By Steven Ertelt

The so-called Women’s March has thrown out another pro-life organization. This time it’s kicked out a Women’s Medical Clinic that provides abortion alternatives.

Organizers of the Women’s March have already admitted that it is not designed to support women but rather to support abortion and the Planned Parenthood abortion business.

That pro-abortion mantra was reconfirmed today when the Women’s March threw out Stanton Healthcare — that it initially accepted as a partner for the event. Now the Pregnancy Center has been removed by March organizers even though Stanton provides quality healthcare free of charge to low income women, women with unexpected pregnancies and the refugee communities.

With other womens’ groups that embrace a pro-life message being removed from the WMW, it is now clear that this is not a “Women’s” March at all but an anti-Trump and pro-abortion event, Stanton Healthcare spokeswoman Brandi Swindell told LifeNews.

She said: “As a single woman who started a women’s healthcare clinic and a pro-life feminist, I think it is important that there is inclusion, diversity and a broad spectrum of opinions at the ‘Women’s March on Washington.’ That is why we thought it was so important to mobilize women who embrace ending the violence of abortion and standing for human rights and justice for all.”

“If the voice of pro-life women is excluded from the WMW, then it is not really a ‘Women’s March’ at all. Rather, it is an anti-Trump march, a pro-choice march or a Planned Parenthood march. To truly be called a ‘Women’s March,’ all our sister’s voices, thoughts, viewpoints and stories need to be heard,” Swindell continued.
Life News article continues 

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