
Friday, January 20, 2017

Once Again, Pro-Abortion Peddlers of Fake News Insist it is Pro-Lifers Who are “Lying”

By Dave Andrusko
National Right to Life

I just finished perusing a story in New York Magazine written by Rebecca Traister headlined, “Fake News, Fake Science and Why Doctors Lie About Abortion.”

It’s the usual-usual. That is, it’s a “lie” to say there is an association between an induced abortion and increasing the risk of breast cancer, or it’s a “lie” to state the obvious–that there are associated aftershocks for a percentage of women who abort. Etc., etc.

That’s what you’d expect from Traister. That’s what you’d expect from New York Magazine. Both are reliable fonts of pro-abortion misinformation and disinformation, in Traister’s case, bitterly so.

But Medical Daily advertises itself as “dedicated to covering health and science news that matters most to our generation” producing stories that will be “the kind of things you talk about at a bar with your friends,” all “based on relevance, clinical significance, and editorial integrity.” Wow, pretty impressive.

So…what about “How Abortions Are Performed, And What Happens During Different Methods,” by Elana Glowatz?  The bulk of the post is, in fact, a You Tube video which appeared on the YouTube channel AsapScience created by Canadians Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown. The title there is, “What Actually Happens When You Have An Abortion?

It’s cute, the kind you often see on You Tube, with someone narrating the work of a hand quickly drawing figures. But it’s full of pro-abortion propaganda; they more accurately would fall under Traister’s category of lies than what she chose to rail about.

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