
Friday, February 10, 2017

Former Planned Parenthood Manager Says Facilities Expected to Meet ‘Abortion Quotas,’ Rewarded With Pizza if Good

By Heather Clark
Christian News

A former manager of two Planned Parenthood facilities in Iowa states that facilities were expected to reach “abortion quotas,” and if they succeeded, they were rewarded with pizza parties or other perks.

Sue Thayer, a mother of six who has fostered over 100 children, worked at Planned Parenthood for 17 years. She first managed Planned Parenthood of the Heartland’s Storm Lake facility, and then went on to manage the LaMars facility—that is until being fired by the organization in 2008 after expressing concern about its practices.

Thayer recently spoke with Live Action, and outlined that during her tenure, she witnessed the quotas that were expected of Planned Parenthood facilities.

“Every center had a goal for how many abortions were done,” she said. “And centers that didn’t do abortions—like mine, that were family planning clinics—had a goal for the number of abortion referrals.”
“[I]t was on this big grid, and if we hit our goal, our line was green. If we were five percent under, it was yellow,” Thayer outlined. “If we were ten percent under, it was red. That’s when we needed to have a corrective action plan—why we didn’t hit the goal, what we were going to do differently next time.”
She said she trained those under her to urge mothers to abort, and most commonly in light of the cost of taking care of a baby.

Christian News story continues

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