
Friday, February 10, 2017

Part One: Select Congressional Panel Releases Report on Planned Parenthood and Fetal Tissue

Deborah Nucatola, Senior Director for Medical Services
for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America
By Randall K. O’Bannon, Ph.D.
National Right to Life

Editor’s note. Beginning today, [February 3, 2017] we are running a three-part series that offers a thorough overview of what the special Select Investigative Panel of the Energy and Commerce Committee found in its Final Report released in early January about the involvement of Planned Parenthood in harvesting fetal tissue from aborted babies.

In the summer of 2015, the nation was transfixed when an undercover journalist released videos showing employees of Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion promoter and performer, callously haggling over fees for processing tissue harvested from aborted babies. The images–literal and what lingered in the viewer’s mind–were riveting and nauseous.

Many questions were raised, including whether the companies involved profited from harvesting fetal brains, hearts, livers, and the like, and whether abortion techniques were altered in order to obtain the best fetal tissue.

While Planned Parenthood convinced many of its friends in the media to ignore that story, telling reporters the videos were “heavily edited,” people who had seen the footage knew what they had seen and wanted answers.

Heeding the public’s call, Congress launched several investigations. One of those, the special Select Investigative Panel of the Energy and Commerce Committee, after months of testimony and research, officially released its Final Report at the turn of the year, made it accessible to the public the first week in January.

The panel uncovered a great deal of new information about fetal tissue research, the fetal tissue business, and the unsavory relationships which exist between abortions clinics, tissue brokers, and researchers at some of the nation’s top universities (see Parts Two and Three). One key new finding was that multiple affiliates of Planned Parenthood had lengthy and extensive relationships with fetal tissue brokers from which the panel says both financially benefited.

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