
Thursday, February 2, 2017

Pennsylvania Family Institute Calls Out Planned Parenthood

Michael Geer, President
Pennsylvania Family Institute

We called every Planned Parenthood affiliate in PA and asked, "Do you provide prenatal services?" Despite their claims (every affiliate lists "prenatal" on their online appointments page), we discovered that not a single Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania offers prenatal care.

You may have seen Live Action's national investigation into 41 Planned Parenthood affiliates, reaching out to 97 facilities and finding that only FIVE offered prenatal services. Pennsylvania was not included in their investigation since undercover videos are illegal under state law. So we took it upon ourselves to find out.

If you plan to parent in Pennsylvania, Planned Parenthood chooses not to help. So when their national president Cecile Richards claims that prenatal care is something "folks depend on Planned Parenthood for," it's simply not the case for women in Pennsylvania.

This, despite receiving millions of taxpayer funding every year. Planned Parenthood PA affiliates have received over $21 million in just the last four years. All the while there are over 300 community health centers throughout the state giving comprehensive health care to women.

Here are three ways you can help:

1) Please share this video with your friends on Facebook. And for your friends not on Facebook, please go to

2) Read and share our insightful report,Extreme: Planned Parenthood in Pennsylvania.

3) Contact your state and federal officials and ask to redirect your tax dollars away from Planned Parenthood. Click here to use our Citizen Action Center to send them an email.

Planned Parenthood's lack of prenatal care, along with the laundry list of issues detailed in Extreme: Planned Parenthood in PA, make a strong case for why Planned Parenthood is not the best use of limited taxpayer resources for women's health.

Thank you for standing up for life. Your partnership with Pennsylvania Family Institute is helping us confront the lies from Planned Parenthood and lead the way in promoting a culture of life throughout our 

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