
Friday, February 3, 2017

Trump’s Ambassador to the United Nations Says She is “Strongly Pro-Life”

Pro-Life Governor Nikki Haley

National Right to Life

Editor’s note. The following comes from the Parliamentary Network for Critical Issues and is reposted with permission.

Pro-Life Governor Nikki Haley from South Carolina has been confirmed to serve as US Ambassador to the United Nations. During Senate confirmation hearings Governor Haley told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that she will oppose abortion on an international level and stated that she is “strongly pro-life.”

Haley, the daughter of immigrants from India, stated during her election for governor,

“I believe every life has a value and is blessed by God–my husband was adopted and my pro-life convictions stem from the fact I feel the blessings of that value every day knowing someone chose life for him. I see it every day in my two children as I watch them grow. My hope is that we continue to encourage and work towards educating that value of life to everyone.”
The appointment and confirmation of pro-life Ambassador Haley to the United Nations brings hope to all who seek to protect women and children from the violence of abortion globally and who struggle against UN elitists who feverishly promote abortion.

National Right to Life article continues

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