
Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Crochet Octopus is Helping Premature Babies Thrive

by Nancy Flanders
National Right to Life News Today

In February of 2013 in Denmark, a group of volunteers began what is known as The Octo Project. They crochet adorable octopi that are helping premature babies feel more secure. The project seems to be leading to improvement in the tiny children’s health.

“While they may seem like an unlikely bedfellow for the babies on the neonatal unit these octopi are linked to better health and well being,” Poole Hospital wrote in a press release. “It is thought the tentacles remind babies of the umbilical cord, and being in their mother’s womb, making them feel safer.”

The octopi help babies keep calm, which leads to better breathing and keeps their heartbeats regular, allowing for higher levels of oxygen in their blood. In addition, the babies who were able to cuddle an octopus were less likely to pull on their monitors and tubing, potentially unhooking themselves from necessary devices.

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