
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Supreme Court Will Decide if States Can Force Pregnancy Centers to Promote Abortions

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

Lawyers representing a group of California pregnancy centers recently announced plans to appeal an onerous state law to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The California law, upheld by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in October, forces pro-life pregnancy centers to promote abortions.

PJ Media reports Tom Glessner, president and CEO of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, said they are appealing the case to the high court, arguing that the law violates both free speech and religious freedom.

“In essence, the law mandates that pro-life centers become abortion referral agencies, totally against their convictions, against their foundational beliefs, compelling speech,” Glessner told the news outlet during the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

“The government cannot compel you or me or a church to present a message that it wants you to present and you disagree with,” he continued. “It just can’t do that. That is an absolute violation of your First Amendment rights.”

Named “The Reproductive FACT Act” by its pro-abortion authors and passed through both houses of the California State Legislature on a party-line vote, the law is the subject of multiple lawsuits. The law forces about 150 pregnancy help non-profits, including the 74 state-licensed free ultrasound facilities, to give each of its clients the following disclaimer, which includes the phone number of a county social services office where a client could obtain an abortion covered by taxpayer-funded Medi-Cal.

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