
Friday, March 24, 2017

Another Baby Saved in Center City Philadelphia During 40 Days for Life

from Ted Meehan
Pro-Life Union of Delaware County

There is great life-saving work being done by 40 Days for Life! If you can spend an hour in front of one of the local abortion centers, your presence can save a life. There is a campaign near you. Please give a little bit of your time to be a witness for Life. 

For those near enough to Center City Philadelphia, there are two centers who cause the deaths of 100 babies each - every week. One is Planned Parenthood at 12th & Locust. The other is The Women's Center at 777 Appletree.

"The Gates of Hell will not prevail against you." (Matthew 18) 

A gate surrounds a fortress. It protects what is inside. The gates of hell will not prevail against us, but we must be present to confront them! Our few pro-lifers who spend an hour here and there have been closing abortion centers all over the United States. The gates of hell are collapsing every day because we are confronting them with Truth and Prayer and Love. And hundreds of babies are being saved.

Go to the 40 Days for Life website and find a campaign near you. Then sign up - one time, for only one hour - to stand before the gates of hell. They cannot prevail against you!

From Dr Monique Ruberu...

I received this email from Jean of St Albert the Great parish today!!!

Today Angela and myself were praying at 12th and Locust around 12:30. We were saying the Rosary together and a young woman who we'll call "M" and a young man came out looking distressed. We approached them and offered them a pamphlet and asked if they were alright. M said she was going to have an abortion but changed her mind. We were so thrilled for her and expressed our happiness offering her information for any help that she may need. We told them that we were praying to God for girls to change their minds. We informed them of the clinic at the corner but the young man said he had to go to work and they would come back at another time. 
Angela and I feel confident that the good Lord heard our prayers and saved her little baby. We are remembering M in our prayers.

Thanks be to God for this child that will live and for the courage of this young woman. Please continue to keep her in prayer so that she may be committed to saving the life of her child.

Please join us in filling the following empty hours: 

777 Appletree:

  • Saturday, 3/25: 12:00,1:00 ,2:00 pm
  • Tuesday, 3/28: 12;00,1:00 ,2:00 ,3:00 pm
  • Wednesday, 3/29:2:00 ,3:00 pm

12th & Locust:

  • Friday 3/24: 3:00 pm
  • Saturday 3/25: 10:00 am & 12 noon
  • Monday 3/27: 8:00 am,12:00, 3:00 pm

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