
Friday, March 24, 2017

Study Shows Breast Cancer Rates Steadily Increasing After the UK Legalized Abortion

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

A new study published in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons this spring encourages more research to been done on breast cancer and abortion.

Researcher Patrick Carroll and his team looked at the rise in breast cancer cases in the UK and compared them with abortion rates and other fertility-related issues. Carroll said the research team found a correlation between the two.

They said childlessness is a known risk factor for breast cancer, as are hormone replacement therapy and hormonal contraceptives, but induced abortion is not commonly accepted as a possible risk.
They wrote: “In combination, the hormonal contraceptives and legally induced abortions can interact. The abortion leaves the breast cells in a state of interrupted development whereby they are disposed to become cancerous, and the estrogen in the hormonal contraceptives develops the incipient cancers. It is also known that estrogen can initiate new cancers by itself, and the effects of an abortion can amplify this.”
Globe News Wire reports more about the research:

[E]pidemiologists are not warning women of the additional risk of induced abortion, and British medical journals do not publish articles showing the link. Authors note that under the 1967 Abortion Act two physicians must approve an abortion, and if an abortion-breast cancer link were accepted, many more professional liability cases would likely be brought.

Using a linear regression model incorporating cohort rates of fertility and induced abortions, Carroll et al. were able to forecast future incidence of breast cancer accurately.

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