
Thursday, March 9, 2017

On “Day Without a Woman” Strike Don’t Forget That 750 Million Girl Babies Have Been Aborted

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

March 8 is International Women’s Day, a day to recognize women’s value and the contributions they have made to society.

This year, the pro-abortion Women’s March organizers co-opted the day to hold a “Day Without a Woman” strike to protest gender discrimination. While their strike focuses mainly on the economy and women in the workplace, the organizers have made it clear that they also support abortion on demand. Some of the top abortion advocacy groups in the U.S., including Planned Parenthood and NARAL, are premier partners.

In a statement released before the strike, the organizers said: “In the spirit of women and their allies coming together for love and liberation, we offer A Day Without A Woman. We ask: do businesses … align with a sustainable environment or do they profit off destruction and steal the futures of our children?”

But by supporting abortion, the strike organizers are contributing to one of the worst gender discrimination practices in the world today.

The abortion industry has been stealing children’s futures for decades in America, and even perpetuating gender discrimination by telling women it’s OK to abort a baby girl just because she’s a girl.

As Margot Cleveland wrote for The Federalist this week, 

“Today, then, while our privileged sisters enjoy their pity party over the election of Donald Trump—which is really what the strike is about—the rest of us can pause and pray for the women the world is really without, and for those whose lives are worse off because of their absence.”
She pointed to research from the Guttmacher Institute indicating that approximately 750 million girls have been aborted in the world since 1980.
“Teachers, doctors, scientists, novelists, daughters, sisters, and friends—the world has been deprived of their presence, promise, and love,” Cleveland continued. “Abortion is not an equal-opportunity killer, either.”
Life News article continues

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