
Thursday, March 9, 2017

Pro-Aborts Toured Ireland Handing Out Illegal Abortion Pills. The Pro-Life Response Was Incredible.

By Fr. Frank Hodges
Life Site News

DUBLIN, Ireland, March 8, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) — A pro-abortion bus tour of Ireland this week to hand out abortifacient drugs without a doctor’s supervision was supported by self-proclaimed "Gay Witches" and challenged with pictorial truths by pro-lifers.

The three-day, multi-city tour that ended Wednesday sought to drum up support for repeal of Ireland's Eighth Amendment, which prohibits abortion except to save a mother’s life.

The “Bus4Repeal” was sponsored by the Reproductive Rights against Oppression, Sexism and Austerity (ROSA), which originally vowed to hand out the abortion drugs Mifepristone (RU486) and Misoprostol to women asking for them.

In response, the Irish Center for Bio-Ethical Reform (ICBR) followed the abortion bus tour with its own "#ExposingDeception Tour" displaying the pictorial reality of abortion.

“ICBR intends on following the ROSA abortion bus to every community they visit to ensure that vulnerable women are told the whole truth about the dangers of abortion," spokeswoman Aisling Hubert explained before the tour. 

"We will expose the graphic reality of abortion using large banners that show the broken bodies of pre-born children dismembered through abortion."
Hubert says "countless" women have changed their minds and given life when they are shown what abortion really is.
"Many post-abortive women have told us they would never have aborted had someone shown them that truth before instead of after they aborted," she added.

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