
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Pro-Life Apps - A Ready Resource

I love my mobile apps!  They make doing so many things simpler and because they are readily available on my phone, I actually do the things I’m supposed to do.  I check my banking balances daily, as well as my retirement savings.  I make my grocery shopping list (including my digital coupons).  And I also take some spiritual time using the Laudate app which offers prayers, podcasts and articles from various Catholic media outlets.

So as I prepared for our local 40 Days for Life campaign, I got to thinking that maybe there were some pro-life apps which could be readily available resources as I stood outside our local Planned Parenthood facility.  Surprisingly, there were several apps available from the Apple Store. Below are just a few of the free pro-life apps I was able to locate.

Unfortunately, there are also abortion information apps which I will not advertise here.  The use of technology is a double-edged sword.  But we should continue to fight on against that evil and if the internet can help us, so be it.  I’m sure you will find others when searching and not all of them are free but it’s a convenient addition to my cell phone and keeps the pro-life cause front and center on my home screen.

*Abolish Abortion – maps pregnancy resource centers, pro-life videos and networking information (Students for Life of America)
*Adopt Life – guides you through the spiritual adoption of a conceived child with prayers and images of a child during the various stages of a pregnancy
*Life App – how to respond to women in crisis situations, list of pregnancy centers and videos on various pregnancy topics. (Fellowship of Catholic University Students-FOCUS and the Sisters of Life)
*Life News - news agency devoted to reporting on the pro-life community.
*Pro-Life Magazine – free subscription – publishes quarterly.

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