
Sunday, March 5, 2017

Week Four: Voices Prayer Campaign for Those Who Promote Abortion, March 6 - March 12

'winning the war against unborn babies and their mothers one soul at a time'

Prof. Peter Singer, Princeton University

Peter Singer is the focus of our prayers this week.  He is a bio-ethics professor at Princeton, NJ and is know for his support of abortion, infanticide and legalized euthanasia. Christian Research Institute wrote an in-depth article on Prof. Singer. One can see from his godless views that he is truly a lost soul in need of prayer. 

We have no greater enemy that fuels the culture of death than Satan. We, who stand for human life, are in a spiritual battle. When those involved in abortion, turn from their sins and give their lives to Christ, the war against the unborn will start to crumble, one soul at a time. Voices has posted stories of the redemption of those who walked away from abortion into a new life in Christ.  

"But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." John 1:12 NIV

Suggested Daily Prayers for Prof. Peter Singer

Day 1  Pray the Holy Spirit will free his mind of his inhuman philosophy.

Day 2  Pray the Light of Christ overpowers his godless worldview with His Truth.

Day 3  Pray the Holy Spirit will reveal that abortion, infanticide and euthanasia are murder.

Day 4  
Pray that God would show him his strong delusion against human life.

Day 5  
Pray he will be convicted of spreading his anti-human beliefs to his students.

Day 6  
Pray that Jesus' Love would flood his soul and bring him out of darkness and into His Glorious Light. 

Day 7  Pray that he is brought to his knees in deep sorrow and surrenders his life to Jesus Christ, his only hope.

Finally: Pray that his conversion will lead him to publicly 
renounce his godless beliefs and write, teach and promote the sacredness of human life.

"This is what we are all about…conversion. We will continue to reach out to these men and women in love. Hate doesn’t work. Condemnation doesn’t work. Judgment doesn’t work. The mercy of Christ is what WORKS. Please pray with us....You are making a difference."     Abby Johnson, former PP clinic director and founder of 'And Then There Was None'

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