
Friday, April 21, 2017

At Warminster Event, Gov. Wolf Calls Proposals to Restrict Access to Planned Parenthood an 'Assault'

Gov. Wolf stands with Planned Parenthood

By Freda R. Savana
Bucks County Courier

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf called renewed efforts to restrict women's access to affordable health care an assault and promised to veto legislation that would abolish or limit Planned Parenthood in the state.

"Attacks on women's health at both the federal and state levels are nothing more than politicians inserting themselves between doctors and their patients," Wolf told a roundtable of Planned Parenthood leaders, patients and others in the health care field on Thursday.

Organized by Planned Parenthood Keystone and held at the agency's Warminster Medical Center [Planned Parenthood] on Louis Drive, the event drew a small group of supportive Bucks County residents and local officials.

Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, joined Wolf in decrying Republican proposals to cut funding to the long-established programs that provide a wide array of health care services to women and men.

"We're at a historic low in teen pregnancy and a 30-year low in unintended pregnancies, thanks to better access to family planning and information," said Richards. "We know it works. And, we know what doesn't work: making it harder for women to access that care."

Richards said for many of Pennsylvania's more than 90,000 Planned Parenthood patients, the health care agency is their only health care provider. Without Planned Parenthood, she stressed, "they would have nowhere else to go."

Whitney Lingle said when she was growing up in the Midwest, Planned Parenthood was her only source of health care and when she was sexually assaulted at college, it was Planned Parenthood where she found care and support.

Blogger's Note:
Showcasing one woman's experience at Planned Parenthood does not even compare to over 300,000 unborn babies that are killed every year at PP across the nation. For an offical report from Pennsylvania DHS on PP click on following link, PA Summary of 2015 PP Facts and Statistics.

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