
Friday, April 21, 2017

UN Says Women Who Want to “Avoid Pregnancy” Should Use Abortion as Family Planning

By Stefano Gennarini, J.D.
Life News

Governments have long agreed that abortion cannot be a part of family planning. The World Health Organization has gone along with that consensus until now. Recent journal articles by WHO researchers demonstrate the powerful global agency now rejects that consensus.

Women who want to “avoid pregnancy” following government guidelines in the wake of the Zika scare in Latin America “will need family planning services such as contraception and access to safe abortion,” according to one article that goes on to propose “evaluations of the barriers to access, availability, utilization and readiness of contraception, abortion and post-abortion services.”

The statement that abortion is a “family planning service” contradicts what the UN General Assembly has agreed for decades, namely, that “under no circumstance should abortion be promoted as a method of family planning.”

In another paper WHO researchers devise strategies to promote abortion and measure abortion access around the world, setting the stage to help groups that will carry out this work permanently through a network that would report, monitor, and evaluate “uptake and utilization of contraception and safe abortion care services.”

In Africa, WHO country teams are training doctors to perform abortions, sometimes over their objections, and perhaps even against the law.

WHO teams teach “post-abortion care,” which abortion advocates admit was intended as a stepping stone to introduce abortion. WHO staff have admitted this is a necessary step to introduce legal abortion in countries where it is outlawed.

Life News article continues

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