
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Pro-Abortion Nancy Pelosi: “What You Have Done for the Least of My Brethren You Did for Me”

By Micaiah Bilger
Life News

U.S. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi often uses religious terminology to defend her political positions on abortion, welfare and other issues.

A strong abortion advocate, the California Congresswoman once called her support of late-term abortions “sacred ground.”

On Sunday, she used a quote from Jesus in the Bible to describe born children as “the least of my brethren” and to call for more government funding of programs to help them. Pelosi did not mention abortion in her speech, but it’s clear from her record that she does not care about the millions of unborn babies who are dying brutal abortion deaths every year.

The Washington Free Beacon reports Pelosi made the remarks during a political rally about child poverty on Sunday in Los Angeles.

“I didn’t know this until recently, that when the Gospel of Matthew, ‘what you have done for the least of my brethren, you did for me,’ was something that Christ said in Holy Week, Tuesday of Holy Week,” Pelosi said. “So as we go into Holy Week, as we’re people of faith, people of morals, of morality, let us understand what that challenge is on this Palm Sunday to do the Lord’s work.”

She continued: “It is a fact in not only our Catholic faith, our Christian faith, but in all religions, that when we minister to the needs of God’s creation, that is an act of worship. To ignore those needs is to dishonor the God who made us. So if these people of such faith in our country truly are and in our state, they will recognize our obligation to our children.”

The “least of my brethren” teaching is about taking care of the most vulnerable members of society, a value that Pelosi strays from in her unrelenting support of abortion on demand. Nearly 1 million unborn babies are killed in abortions every year in the United States, making them some of the most vulnerable members of society today.

Blogger's Note:  Whoever refuses to include unborn babies in Jesus' Words to 'the least of these my brethren' has seared their conscience against the Lord's declaration. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart..." Jeremiah 1:5

1 comment:

  1. The hierarchy of the Catholic Church needs to publicly address Ms. Pelosi's stand on abortion. You cannot be Catholic and support the slaughter of God's precious innocent
