
Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Sweden Has a Midwife Shortage — But if You’re Pro-Life, You Might be Turned Away

By Kelli
Live Action News

Sweden is facing a midwife shortage — so much so that some parts of the country offer a monthly stipend to those training to be midwives. But apparently there’s not enoughof a shortage to allow anyone espousing pro-life values to remain employed as a midwife in the country.

The Wall Street Journal reports today on the case of Ellinor Grimmark, a Christian midwife from Sweden who was blacklisted from doing the job she was trained to do, simply because she asked that her conscience rights to be upheld. Grimmark refused to directly participate in abortions, and because of this, was eventually forced to relocate — not to another hospital, but to another country to practice midwifery.

The WSJ notes that while “Sweden’s 1974 abortion law protects freedom of conscience,” a court ruled against Grimmark in 2015, and she has appealed to higher courts. It is possible that the case could advance to the European Court of Human Rights, which typically affirms “freedom of thought, conscience, and religion.”

It is frightening that abortion has become so cemented as “healthcare” in Sweden that a person who refuses to assist in the killing of preborn children is unable to find work in the healthcare industry there, under the guise of “putting women first,” according to Grimmark. The WSJ gives a good example of how embedded the pro-abortion mindset really is:

[Grimmark] received a furious call from one manager. “How could you even think of becoming a midwife with these opinions?” Ms. Grimmark recalls the manager screaming. “What would you do if a patient who’d had an abortion came to you bleeding?” Ms. Grimmark tried to answer that she would help a woman in that condition, but the voice on the phone kept screaming. Ms. Grimmark was told she wasn’t welcome. A few days later a text message informed her that her stipend would be cut off.

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